TaskPaper-compatible strikethrough formatting using the tag.
Tags are auto-completed while typing in the tag-entry field.
Tags are synced to Dropbox and searched by Spotlight, via OpenMeta.
Words between ] will become links to other notes.
Option for horizontal layout with multi-line previews in notes list.
Want a great primer on using nvALT? See Michael Schechter’s nvALT 101. Check out the descriptions at for a more eloquent synopsis. If you’re creating a new note, you just type a unique title and press enter to move the cursor into a blank edit area. You can use ⌘-J and ⌘-K to move through the list. It will begin searching existing notes, filtering them as you type. You press a shortcut to bring up the window and just start typing. Notational Velocity is a way to take notes quickly and effortlessly using just your keyboard.