
Nvalt encryption ios compatible
Nvalt encryption ios compatible

  • Optional menubar and menubar-only modes.
  • Full-screen mode (requires OS X 10.5 or higher).
  • Convert imported URLs to Markdown, and optionally strip excess content with Readability.
  • Customizable HTML and CSS files for the Preview window.
  • nvalt encryption ios compatible

    #Nvalt encryption ios compatible code#

  • HTML source code tab in the Preview window for fast copy/paste to blogs, etc.
  • Textile and (Multi)Markdown support with Preview window (hold down Control to view temporarily).
  • NEW: Better MultiMarkdown 3 support (if installed locally).
  • NEW: Shortcut (CMD-Shift-L) for inserting ].
  • NEW: Pin a note to the preview while editing other notes.
  • NEW: Auto-pairing and selection wrapping for brackets and quotes (,(),””,’’).
  • Dragging the divider to the top or left of the window will hide search field.
  • Highlighting of search terms can be disabled.
  • nvalt encryption ios compatible

  • “Show in Finder” command for revealing selected note-files on disk.
  • Note-titles inside double-brackets are (optionally) auto-completed.
  • Fully plain-text-based automatic list-bullet formatting.
  • TaskPaper-compatible strikethrough formatting using the tag.
  • Tags are auto-completed while typing in the tag-entry field.
  • Tags are synced to Dropbox and searched by Spotlight, via OpenMeta.
  • Words between ] will become links to other notes.
  • nvalt encryption ios compatible

  • Option for horizontal layout with multi-line previews in notes list.
  • Want a great primer on using nvALT? See Michael Schechter’s nvALT 101. Check out the descriptions at for a more eloquent synopsis. If you’re creating a new note, you just type a unique title and press enter to move the cursor into a blank edit area. You can use ⌘-J and ⌘-K to move through the list. It will begin searching existing notes, filtering them as you type. You press a shortcut to bring up the window and just start typing. Notational Velocity is a way to take notes quickly and effortlessly using just your keyboard.

    Nvalt encryption ios compatible