
Personal breathing zone air sampling
Personal breathing zone air sampling

Impingers and bubblers can be positioned in an area, held or mounted in a holster. Bubblers are open or fritted to increase the surface area so the gases are absorbed into solution. Impingers have a tapered outlet which allows particulate matter to exit at high velocity, hit the flask bottom and be captured in solution. This is a means of sampling replacing the solid sorbent tube with a liquid. The two layers are analysed separately and if the ‘back up’ layer is more than 10% of the main layer, the tube is deemed to be saturated and another sample must be taken varying the parameters (time, flow rate, size of tube etc.) Samples should be taken with the tube in a near vertical position on the body. Most tubes have two layers of material where the smaller layer is the ‘back up’ and should be closest to the sampling pump inlet. Also please refer to your standard method to find out which sorbent tube you require or search on the Hazard Pages. Please refer to the Sorbent Tube pages for more information. Charcoal is the most common sorbent material but Silica Gel, Chromopak, Tenax and others are also used dependent on the standard method. Flow rate needs to be set pre and post sampling.Ī sorbent tube contains a material which adsorbs the vapour or gas onto its surface during sampling. Apex2 with a Constant Pressure Controller and Low Flow Adaptor. Generally the flow is lower (typically 20-100ml/min) and so either a dedicated low flow pump may be used or a medium flow pump, i.e. The ends of the sorbent tube are broken off and inserted into a tube holder which is then connected to a personal sampling pump. Solvents, gases and vapours are sampled actively in a similar way to particulates but instead of filter and head, a sorbent tube is used or sometimes a bubbler/impinger.Ībove is a typical sample train using a sorbent tube.

personal breathing zone air sampling

Please consult your standard method or the Hazard Search to find out what equipment you need.

personal breathing zone air sampling

These are sealed badges which are opened for sampling, worn on the person for the recommended time, sealed and sent off for analysis.

personal breathing zone air sampling

It is also possible to measure background exposure via Diffusive or Passive sampling. A typical sampling train for personal monitoring would look like this with the sampler mounted in the breathing zone įor grab samples of gases, a gas sampling bag is used, e.g. For particulates and fumes it would be a filter paper or suitable solid media and for gases and vapours through a sorbent tube or sometimes an impinger/bubbler. In general terms we draw a known volume of air using a sampling pump through a suitable sampling medium. Inhalation is usually the most significant route of entry into the body and so monitoring the air they breathe is vitally important. Many industrial and construction sites have the potential to expose their staff to harmful dust or vapours and gases.

Personal breathing zone air sampling